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Mar 8, 2021

'Our Friend' the Caregiver with Matt Teague

Have you ever wondered who would play you in a movie? On this episode, our guest Matthew Teague no longer has to wonder (It's Casey Affleck, by the way.) Matt's wife, Nicole, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the age of 34 while they were raising two daughters in Fairhope, Alabama. Following her death, Matt wrote about their cancer journey and about their close friend Dane, who upended his own life for more than a year to help them cope with Nicole's care. Published in Esquire magazine in 2015, Matt's story has become a star-studded movie, "Our Friend," which was released in January 2021. Have your Kleenex out and ready for this touching, beautiful and honest story of friendship and courage.

Key Takeaways:

- Caretakers can suffer and sacrifice with their loved ones on their cancer journeys.

- Hospice care needs to be discussed more as an option for all cancer patients and caregivers.

- You are not alone. Whether you are a cancer patient or a caregiver, there are services, support groups and advocates that can help with your recovery, hospice and mental health needs.

- Artistic expressions like writing, painting and music can be helpful ways for cancer survivors and grieving family members to sort out their feelings and grief.



The Friend by Matthew Teague - Esquire 

Our Friend - Trailer 




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USA Health Mitchell Cancer Institute

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